decept3.txt DECEPTIVE MOVEMENTS CHAPTER 3 Jennifer awoke in the morning to the sound of hard rock music coming from downstairs. She struggled out of bed and found a robe, putting it on as she walked from her bedroom and down the stairs. She found Cheryl in the kitchen, sitting at the table drinking coffee and tapping her feet to the music coming from the stereo. "I must confess, i'm not used to waking up to such a cheerful atmosphere" Jennifer yawned and poured herself a cup of coffee. "Well, good morning! I haven't slept so well in ages. I feel so refreshed today". Jennifer laughed at the young woman as she sat across from her. "Yeah, you sure fell asleep pretty quick." She laughed out loud "I really wasn't quite finished with you, but I guess you were finished!" Cheryl blushed a little. "You have to understand, being on my feet all day.." her voice trailed off. "Oh it's no problem" Jennifer said. They sat in silence listening to the music and drinking coffee for several minutes. "Are you sure you won't get in trouble by not going to work?" Jennifer questioned. Cheryl shook her head. "No, i've already called in sick.. It'll be no problem... Besides." She was excited about the new job "I'll be quitting anyway." "That's right. You'll like Laurie and Donna" Cheryl tilted her head as she looked at Jennifer questioningly. "Donna?" "Oh.. That's Laurie's assistant. She's taking Interior Decorating in school" "You mean she already has an assistant?" Cheryl began to feel that she had slept her way into this job opportunity "Yes, but as I told you last night... she really needs another. I mean another beside you and Donna." Cheryl nodded. "A lot of work huh?" Jennifer nodded coyly... "Why do you think Laurie has been so frustrated?" They both laughed then lapsed into silence again. Cheryl was naturally curious about the older woman sitting across from her. The night before had ignited feelings inside of her that she had felt before, but didn't understand them. "Have you been doing this long?" Jennifer cocked an eyebrow at the question.." Have I done what long?" Cheryl turned beet red .. "You know... what we did last night." "Oh, you mean spanking?" Cheryl averted her eyes. "Yes, that" Jennifer allowed herself a self confident smile "About 6 months. I get plenty of practice with Laurie and at the club we belong to." Cheryl wasn't sure she wanted to know about the club. But she could envision her getting additional practice on her. the idea caused her cunt to tingle. "I felt dirty when I got turned on the last time my daddy did that to me" It was refreshing for Jennifer to have someone as innocent as Cheryl around. "Do you still feel dirty when you get turned on by being spanked?" "At first I did... But when Laurie came over I didn't feel like that any more." "Well, you'd be surprised at just how many people get turned on by that very same thing." Cheryl looked surprised at that thought. "Really?.. I always thought is was weird." Jennifer could see where this conversation was leading.. best to set her mind at ease as quickly as she could. "There's nothing weird or anything wrong with deriving pleasure out of spanking or bondage. You really shouldn't worry about it if it's something you enjoy." "Can I ask you something?".. Jennifer smiled at her.. "Sure" Cheryl hesitated a little.... "How did you know?.. I mean how could you tell that about me?" Jennifer weighed her answer carefully.... "When I caught your eye at the store yesterday, you had a somewhat passive look about you. But I really didn't know for sure until last night." "You mean when you.. did it?" Jennifer laughed "No!.. I knew when you knocked on the door." Cheryl had a little understanding that.... she had plenty food for thought so she decided not to dig for more. "Just relax, hon. Nothing is going to happen that you don't want to happen." that made the young woman feel a little better. "Can I go home and change clothes.. them come back?' "Sure, if you want to" "Yes!.. There's so much I want to ask you.. but I need a shower and a change of clothes" "Ok... I'll fix us some lunch.. we can talk then" "That sounds great...." Cheryl stood and brought her empty cup to the sink... then shyly kissed Jennifer on the cheek before walking from the room. Jennifer had about 2 hours to herself before Cheryl returned. She thought to herself that the girl would need a lot of teaching. She knew she would have a lot of fun teaching her, something about the pretty young woman made her think that she had really found herself a "live one" as it were. She planned on keeping her around as much as possible.. she considered asking her to move in. But figured if everything went well, she would do so in a couple of weeks. Getting Cheryl a job with Laurie benefitted Jennifer as well. Perhaps Laurie wouldn't work as many hours with a 3rd person to help her. She really did miss her sexy slave. She knew from talking to Ron that he was a bit worried about Donna working the late hours... She'd promised to talk with Laurie about it, but had somehow forgotten to. Not to worry, Cheryl may just be the answer to a lot of problems. Thinking it over, Jennifer found a phone book and looked up Cheryl's number... She had an idea..She dialed the number and waited for her to answer. The phone rang 6 or 7 times before a breathless Cheryl picked it up.. "Hello?"... She must have ran to the phone "Cheryl... This is Jennifer.. have you been running?" "Yes, I was just leaving when I heard the phone ring." "Oh.. glad I caught you. I want you to do something for me" "Sure, what would you like me to do?" "I want you to pack a few changes of clothes..then go quit your job today.. I have something I want to talk to you about" Cheryl was silent on the other end of the line. For some unknown reason, this woman completely enchanted her. "Okay" she said slowly "What is it you want to talk to me about?" she asked apprehensively.. "I'll tell you when you get here, ok?" She heard the young woman let out a sigh. "Alright.. I'll be there in about an hour" "Ok dear, i'll see you then" Jennifer hung up with a big smile on her face. A knowing smile at that. Cheryl hung up the phone and stood in silence for a moment before getting a suitcase and packing 3 changes of clothes.. Then almost as an afterthought, she figured she'd better bring her bath and hair supplies. Of course she knew that if she needed, she could always return to get more. Making a last check around her apartment before leaving. She finally turned out all the lights and made her way out of the building. When she pulled up outside of the store she worked in, she began to get a little nervous. She knew that Brad would be in there and she really wasn't prepared to face him like this. The only things that gave her the courage to march in there and see him was a 2.50 an hour raise. As she thought, Brad spotted her almost as soon as she walked through the sliding door. He lumbered up to her before she could take 3 steps toward the personnel office. "Hey!.. I heard you called in sick, you alright?" Cheryl gave him a short smile. "Yeah, but I have a new job.. Just coming in to quit." "Oh, hey are we still on for tomorrow night?" Oh no!.. She'd forgotten that they had planned to go out Friday night. "I'm sorry, Brad. I have something else to do.. Can I get a raincheck?" The young man looked crushed that she was breaking their date. "Yeah sure" he said and quickly turned and walked away. Cheryl watched with a bit of remorse as he walked away from her. She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings but she had things more important to tend to. Namely Jennifer. Going to personnel was easy compared to facing Brad. In ten minutes, she was leaving the store with her final check in her purse. She drove the 3 mile drive back to Jennifer's house both looking forward to her new life, and feeling a burning apprehension in the pit of her stomach. She felt the fear gnawing at her because she had read several stories of what mistresses sometimes did to their slaves. Slave!.. The thought had only occurred to her, she was going to be a sex slave. The thought sent shivers up her spine as she squirmed on the vinyl seat of the car. She liked the older blonde woman, but hearing all the horror stories had naturally made her a bit scared. A fatal attraction of sorts mayhaps, but an attraction nonetheless. Jennifer had finished making lunch and was growing a little impatient waiting for Cheryl to return. Not that she was upset or anything like that. She just couldn't wait to see her plans for the young girl unfold. Cheryl took her suitcase from the backseat and walked up the manicured lawn to Jennifer's front door. She could hear faint movements inside as she rang the doorbell. Jennifer opened the door after a few moments, she looked down at the suitcase Cheryl carried before inviting her in. Cheryl stood just inside the doorway unsure of what to do next. Jennifer hadn't said anything except "come on in". "Well, did you get everything taken care of?" Cheryl nodded toward her. "Yeah, with my last check.. I should be able to make it until I get paid again." "No worries about that. We'll make sure you make it." Cheryl couldn't help smiling at her. "Alright, dear. Are you ready for lunch?" "Yes! I'm starved." For the young woman, lunch was a bit cool. No, I don't mean that Jennifer had put it back in the freezer. I mean that the atmosphere was a bit cool. Cheryl could tell that Jennifer had a lot on her mind. "Is something the matter?" Jennifer seemed to not hear her for a second, "Oh no.. Just thinking" Cheryl didn't press it. After lunch, Jennifer showed her where to put her suitcase. The guest bedroom was nearly as big as her whole apartment. She put her suitcase on the bed, figuring to unpack later. She wanted to hurry downstairs and talk with Jennifer. There were so many things she wanted to ask her. Jennifer sipped on a glass of iced tea while Cheryl busied herself upstairs. She thought to herself that if Cheryl made it through the weekend without getting up and walking out, that everything would work out just as she had them planned. Cheryl emerged from the bedroom and joined Jennifer in the living room. She sat down on the chair across from the older woman and waited with a mixture of fear and anticipation for whatever it was she had said she wanted to talk to her about. Jennifer only asked her one question. "Are you ready for things to start moving faster than they ever have before?" The question started the young girl. "I'm.. uhhh not sure what you mean" "Do you trust me, hon?" Cheryl nodded. Yes, she trusted her. She was a little afraid of her. But she DID trust her. "Good, then everything will be fine." She smiled warmly at the pretty young woman. Cheryl couldn't help be caught up by this woman's charisma. Jennifer took another swallow of the tea she was drinking then set the glass on a coaster on the coffee table. "Take off all your clothes, Cheryl" Jennifer told her matter of factly. Cheryl was more than a little startled by what Jennifer had just told her. "You mean.. right now?" "There's a few things you and I are going to have to come to an understanding on." Jennifer gazed at her, she felt that burning in her stomach again. "W what's that?" she wanted to know. "The first thing is.." She started slowly "Is that when I tell you to do something, you'll do it without question.. Understood?" This was not the same Jennifer she had been with the night before. Something about her had changed. "yes" Jennifer nodded "Another thing, as long as we are in this house. You will address me properly.. without exception. You got that?" "Yes ma'am." "The third thing, is that unless you are told differently.. You'll will remain nude at all times in this house." "Yes ma'am" Jennifer stared at the side of Cheryl's head. "Before we go any further.. If you're not willing to abide by these three rules. You can get your suitcase and leave right now.. Do you want to leave?" Yes, she had a choice. If she chose to, she could get her suitcase and walk right out of the house. Jennifer would not try to stop her. But did she really have a choice? "No ma'am.. I don't want to leave" "Then get out of your clothes!" Jennifer snapped at her. Cheryl jumped from the chair and peeled her t-shirt and jeans off. She hesitated only for a moment before removing her bra and cotton panties. Now standing nude in Jennifer's living room. she picked up her clothes and draped them over the chair. Jennifer sat there and admired the young woman's body. Cheryl didn't move after she draped all her clothes over the chair. She stood awkwardly beside the chair and waited with mixed emotions for whatever Jennifer chose to do next. Jennifer knew she felt uncomfortable like this, all the more reason to get her used to being naked most of the time. Before she was through, the pretty ex-cashier would not feel the slightest bit of embarrassment at her nakedness no matter what the circumstances were. "Come here to be, dear. I want to get a closer look at you" Cheryl tried to appear nonchalant about walking across the room, but the awareness of being put on display was unshakable. Jennifer put her hands on the girl's hips and smiled. "It wasn't that long ago that I didn't have to constantly watch my weight." Cheryl looked down at the blonde sitting on the sofa. She couldn't believe that Jennifer had problems with her weight. Jennifer patted one of her asscheeks. "Turn around for me.. I want to see all of you" Cheryl slowly turned in place, giving the older woman a close up view of her shapely bottom before completing her turn and stood facing her again. "Very nice, you're a very pretty girl, Cheryl." "Th thank you, ma'am" Jennifer tightened her grip on the young woman's hips.. she began to pull down. "Kneel down for me.." Cheryl did as she was instructed, Her stomach still fluttered, more than ever to be truthful. But her body tingled for the same reasons. Now the blonde ran her hands over the swell of Cheryl's tits. Lightly grazing the nipples with her fingertips. Cheryl's lips parted a little as a small whimper of pleasure escaped from within. Jennifer then took each nipple between her thumb and forefinger and began rolling them. Cheryl's breathing became a bit more labored as the older woman brought the cherry like nubs to attention. "Yes, I can tell you like that"... Of course she liked it, Jennifer knew how women liked to be touched... Now she began pinching the hardened nipples with increasing pressure. Cheryl's lips parted farther as she emitted a slight groan of pain.... Jennifer increased the pressure of her pinch, causing the young woman to close her eyes and grit her teeth. Jennifer pinched harder and harder with each passing second. Cheryl tried her best to withstand the mounting pain. Jennifer was going to do everything she could to make sure the young woman could not withstand it. Her fingers gnashed together, she crushed the sensitive buds underneath the ever increasing pressure. Cheryl's eyes remained closed. Her mouth opened while a tear finally escaped from her eyelids. Her hands flew up and grabbed onto Jennifer's wrists. Jennifer only pinched harder and said to the girl.. "Move your hands!". Reluctantly, Cheryl let her hands fall to her sides as the older blonde continued to torture the tender breasts of her new slave. More tears began to flow from her eyes as the pain became almost unbearable to her. Finally, the first sob bubbled up from her throat as she could not withstand it without crying out her displeasure. "Ahhhhhhh!.. Please stop.. It hurt's so bad!" Jennifer twisted and pinched the girl's nipples as Cheryl began to audibly cry out in pain. After several minutes of torturous pinching, The blonde dominatrix finally let go of her nipples. Cheryl's eyes flew open as tears of relief poured from her eyes. "You know" Jennifer said to the woman kneeling before her. "It's still not too late for you to get your suitcase and leave." Cheryl looked up at her through tear blinded eyes. "Are you trying to get rid of me?.. I'll leave if you don't want me here." Jennifer shook her head. "No, I want you here. But only if you want to stay." Cheryl couldn't understand what it was the older woman was trying to do to here. She hurt her and then told her she could leave. "What do I have to do to convince you I want to stay?" She asked her. "I believe you, but this kind of treatment will be commonplace.. At times worse." Yes, Cheryl was painfully aware of the possibility of worse treatment. "How... How much worse?" "You see, you're having doubts aren't you?" She had to admit that this new attitude of Jennifer gave her doubts. Yes, her nipples burned from the savage treatment they had just undergone.. But something inside of her burned with more force. "No... I.. I want to stay". "No matter how much worse it can get?" Cheryl looked up at her.. "No, no matter what." "Fine, you'll find out exactly how mean I can be." Cheryl didn't care. In fact, she really wanted it... This is why she couldn't bring herself to leave.